Green Tea and Me
Over here at the teashop we love our tea. In fact as I am typing Brenda’s post I am already planning my Ginger Green tea for my afternoon pick-me-up and Sarah is downstairs brewing her first pot of green tea for the morning. Brenda’s already had her one pot of green tea before she served breakfast to our b & b guests – and is most likely looking forward to her one cup of matcha with her noon meal. Premium Green Tea has been valued as the healthiest beverage on the planet! Loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. Making the choice to choose the highest quality green tea sounds simple but sometimes not as easy as grabbing it off the shelf from just anywhere. There is so much good in green tea for you. Green tea has the highest levels of antioxidants of foods we eat. These antioxidants are what give us the health benefits inside of green tea. Here is exactly “what’s in it for you!”
- Supports healthy cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugars
- Protects the brain against damage of the mini-strokes
- Boosts memory and helps with cognitive function
- Energizes! My personal favorite afternoon pick-me-up
- Brightens moods, may lower risk of serious depression
- Supports heart, eye and gum health
- Boosts immune system. Fighting colds, flues, etc
- Decreases the effects of aging
- Can slow down cancer growth. Used and prescribed by some physicians to diminish affects of radiation and chemotherapy damage
- Dr. James H. O’Keefe – author and member of St. Luke’s Hospital Cardiology Tea promotes 4-5 cups of green tea per day
- The tea drinking lifestyle can be a stress-reducer. We all know stress is one of the biggest culprits of declining health
- Matcha has the highest level of antioxidants and premium grade matcha has the most.
Choosing to drink good premium green tea is important. Lesser quality tea may not create the same results for you.