That’s right folks, we finally found our forever home!

Pat working in the new space!
Join us for our GRANDEST Opening Saturday, July 15th from 10am-6pm at 9 W. Franklin just off the square in downtown Liberty! We are so very excited for our new space and hope that you will celebrate with us. The various members of our Teashop family have been hard at work preparing our new home and we can’t wait for you to see it. Not to worry, we aren’t moving very far, only next door! You can still drive or walk down Franklin Street and spot our signature gold teapot in the window! Of course we will still be hosting our monthly themed tea parties at 343 W. Liberty Dr in Liberty, MO, that will not change!
As it happens we will also be hosting our July Tea Tasting event on the same day. Stop by to enjoy some of our caffeine free favorites and check out our new Caffeine Free Sampler!

New Shop at 9 W. Franklin in Liberty, MO!
Speaking of Monthly Tea Tastings we hope you’ve been enjoying them! June’s theme was Backyard BBQ Crowd Pleasers and we featured some of our favorite iced teas including our brand new Iced Tea Sampler! We’d love to hear what you would like to see over the next coming months. There’s lots going on at the Teashop these days! This summer may end up one of busiest we have had yet! As a result there are lots of new and wonderful things we’d love you to both taste and see! There may even be a new private blend introduction at our Grandest Opening as well!
We will also be hosting a special Christmas in July Event! This fun season swap will take place July 27-29 with a special Christmas Tea Tasting on July 29th!