Shop online our wealth of flavored black tea blends. Fragrant aromas, inspiring flavors – every tea has a special place and time to be enjoyed. Whole loose leaves infused with real fruits, spices and herbs. Essence of flowers and essential oils inspire and challenge the taste buds.
This year, we’ll celebrate in a classic and traditional style: The Christmas ornaments on the tree will be red & golden instead of pink, mint-green, icy blue or yellow and violet. Grandma’s recipes for sweet biscuits and pastries will warm our hearts. All is like it used to be and the Christmas Stollen is a must, of course! Take almond pieces, candied citrus fruits, real marzipan pieces and our black tea blend can easily take it up with the original made by granny. All I want for Christmas.. or all year! Truly a delightful desert tea, no matter the season!
A taste of Italy, yum! Italian delicacies are high on the list of the most popular desserts in the world. Creamy panna cotta with toasted almond slices, grated lemon zest and a squeeze of lemon juice are part of the secret recipe here, and we‘re happy to share it with you. Yoghurt and lemon granules punctuate the delicate amaretto and citrus notes with soft creamy and fresh nuances, while large lemon peel and yellow mountain everlasting anticipate summer. Buon appetito! black tea, pineapple cubes, apple pieces, flavoring, sliced almonds, lemon peel, freeze-dried lemon peel, almond pieces, freeze-dried lemon granules, natural lemon oil, freeze-dried yoghurt granules mountain everlasting, white cornflower blossoms
Our Blackberry Mint is one of our private tea blends. Blackberry Mint is an English-inspired tea blend. A bold, yet supremely smooth, black tea is blended with sweet blackberry and a tiny hint of mint. Add a touch of honey or sugar to Blackberry Mint to draw out the fruit flavors. As served as a hot tea the fruits of blackberry and strawberry are strong. But, as Blackberry Mint cools the flavors sweeten and the mint notes come forth. Takes well to milk and sugar as a hot tea. Refreshing mint when poured over ice. Blackberry Mint debuted at our Downton Abbey Farewell Tea in February 2016.
Zippy and tangy a delicious blend of cherries, green tea, black tea and hibiscus creates a perfect summertime iced tea blend. Cherry Black is one of our favorite teas to brew for iced tea. Along with the smooth blend of green and black the infusion includes apple pieces orange peels, flavor, safflower blossoms and sour cherries!
Depending upon tea leaf size, 1 oz of tea brews about 8-10 cups of tea.