Matcha is an 800 year old, shade grown Japanese green tea. The highest grades are hand picked from only the youngest tea plants. Granite ground into a fine emerald green powder.

  • Made exclusively from the tips of the youngest tea plants. Matcha Green Tea is an 800 year old, shade grown Japanese green tea. One of the highest natural antioxidant levels of any food on the planet.  Calms nerves, boosts metabolism, stabilizes blood sugar levels, and more.   1 oz of Matcha Green Tea
  • Slightly sweet, smooth, froths easily, bright green. People consume matcha for the strong health benefits and immune boosting properties. Aiya Ceremonial Matcha in Bulk is our highest quality matcha. The ideal ceremonial matcha priced and packaged for every day drinking.  100 gram bag/3.5 oz
  • Slightly sweet, smooth, froths easily, bright shade of green. People consume matcha for the strong health benefits and immune boosting properties. Aiya Ceremonial Matcha in single serving packets. Matcha to Go allows for the flexibility to enjoy matcha anytime and anywhere.  10 - 4 gram packets.  Add one stick Matcha to Go into your water bottle, close and shake.  Drink and rejuvenate!
  • Slightly sweet, smooth, froths easily, bright green. People consume matcha for the strong health benefits and immune boosting properties. Aiya Ceremonial Matcha is our highest quality matcha.  1 oz tin
  • A good Cooking Grade Matcha has a slightly stronger tea taste than the Ceremonial Matcha.  Aiya Cooking Grade Matcha is the perfect ingredient for all recipes seeking the addition of matcha.  Drinks, savories, sides, desserts.  With adding matcha to your foods the possibilities are endless.  Peek here for Aiya's tried and true matcha recipes.  100 grams/3.5 0z
  • Included in the set
      • 1 Tea Tin (1 ounce) of Ceremonial Matcha
      • Matcha Bamboo Whisk
      • Bamboo Scoop
      • Matcha Whisk Holder
      • Anna Tea Shop's booklet covering Matcha Facts, How to Brew, and ways to use Matcha
      • Your basket is crafted for your order - finished with crystal cellophane and bow
    Begin one great healthy habit.  Our Matcha Gift set is all you need.  Matcha Green Tea is a leading powerhouse of antioxidants, sustained energy, boosted metabolism and optimal immunity.  And focus. focus. Focus.  We love the way matcha clears the cobwebs and keeps us focused!  Leading health articles talk on and on about matcha.  Our Matcha Gift set is a perfect gift for anyone on your Christmas list!
  • Traditional Matcha Whisk is used when making Matcha Green Tea.  Steamed bamboo is handcrafted.  Very functional and artful beauty.  Matcha tea accessories enhance the experience of drinking matcha.
  • Hand carved Matcha Bamboo Scoop is the Japanese tea scoop for matcha tea; also called a  Chashaku.  2 scoops of matcha is a typical serving of matcha which is approximately half a teaspoon or 1 gram.
  • Matcha Starter Kit Includes:
    • Bamboo Spoon
    • Matcha Whisk
    • Matcha Sifter
    • Ceremonial Grade Matcha
  • The Matcha Whisk Holder is a holder designed to preserve the longevity of the bamboo whisk.  The shape of the holder allows and maintains the bamboo to stay ideally formed for whisking.  The holder also allows for better air flow so the bamboo dries quickly and easily.  The holder is porcelain and made in Japan.
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