Tea sold at Anna Marie’s annateashop.com and our Tea Shop in Liberty, Missouri.
The accessories to attend your Tea & Scones with Friends class with Brenda, at the first ever International Virtual Tea Festival! Each set comes with scone mix for 6, as well as 2 of our best selling teas! So join us, from your laptop nearest to you & enjoy tea & scones with the owner herself, Brenda!
Minty Cookies N' Cream is another Brand New addition to the Tea Shop this Winter! One of our own privately blended teas, beautifully blended for this Holiday season. Mellow Chocolate meets creamy mint to create a soothing and delicious brew. A pleasing twist to the typical Chocolate & Mint flavors that are so popular this time of year! The white chocolate chips and strawberry bits will have you treasuring every last drop!
Sweet Orange & Cranberry meet Premium China Black tea to create a fruity & festive Winter Blend! With the approaching snow, there's nothing better than having a hot cup of tea! A sweet aroma and delightful taste make this NEW brew the perfect one for all. From the China Black tea to the Fruit bits, Cinnamon, Orange peels, Cranberry bits and natural flavors, makes this delightfully sweet brew perfect for every snowy and chilly day!
Our Gojiberry Green Tea is truly a delicious blend. The combination of Chinese Sencha Green tea, gojiberries, lemongrass, pomegranate and corn blossoms make Gojiberry Green extraordinary. Not to mention the three "superfood" ingredients; Gojiberry, Pomegranate, and Blueberry.
Depending upon tea leaf size, 1 oz of tea brews about 8-10 cups of tea.
Passion Fruit White is an organic white tea with health promoting attributes from both green & white tea. Blending the delicate, nectar-like flavor of white tea with the sweet flavor of passion fruit. Sweet and refreshing fruit. A perfect light brew! Depending upon tea leaf size, 1 oz of tea brews about 8-10 cups of tea.